post on 01 Jan 2020 about 3872words require 13min
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title={Nomad: An Efficient Consensus Approach for Latency-Sensitive Edge-Cloud Applications},
author={Zijiang Hao and Shanhe Yi and Qun Li},
booktitle={IEEE INFOCOM 2019 - IEEE Conference on Computer Communications},
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The rise of edge computing has given birth to a series of delay-sensitive applications. However, the existing Paxos-based approaches have a severe drawback, that is, they can not support large-scale distributed systems, because the message complexity increases rapidly with the increase of the number of system nodes. As mentioned earlier, the application we studied may run on a large number of distributed parties, so we cannot directly use an Paxos-based approach to solve this problem. For this reason, the author proposes a protocol Nomad to implement fast event ordering in the edge computing environment.
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The new consensus protocol is based on Paxos, for ordering the events on the system containing only one edge network and one backend cloud.Similar to the existing Paxos-based ordering protocols, the protocol also executes a sequence of Paxos instances among the system nodes. Therefore, the leader nodes of the Paxos instances are artificially determined in advance in this consensus protocol, which reduces the communication cost and thus improves the ordering performance. The design philosophy of the consensus protocol is summarized as follows.
In this paper, a consensus protocol Nomad is proposed to realize fast event ordering in large-scale edge cloud applications. Nomad consists of an edge-level adaptive consensus protocol and a cloud-level master-slave protocol, which can work together to effectively sort the events received by the whole system. At the same time, the author implements a prototype of Nomad and deploys it on a real test platform. The evaluation of the prototype shows that the Nomad’s behavior is better than the existing consistent solutions in edge computing environments.
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